The city has become completely bike friendly”  with some serious investment to increase the number of cycle roads and safe parking areas. Nantes has also organized an International Velocity Congress in 2015. Nantes is also conveniently situated along the infamous Atlantic cycling route, The Velodyssey,  and the equally well-known Loire à vélo, or Loire by bicycle, cycling route.

The Velodyssey cycle route: 1200 km of bike path from Roscoff in Brittany to Hendaye on the Basque coast

“La Loire à vélo” cycle route: 800 km of cycle paths from the “Côte d’Amour” to the center of the country along the largest river in France and across the Loire Valley, home to numerous castles belonging to France’s royalty in their day.

Look no further, Nantes is the place to bike in France!

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